News < Re: Week of August 16

150 150 Ash Roughani

They’re back. We’re referring to state worker furloughs, of course.

In budget news, Steve Levy, President of the Center for the Continuing Study of the California Economy — whew, say that in one breath! — succinctly summarizes the core issue underlying the budget impasse:

“The Republicans are arguing for all cuts and the Democrats are arguing for some additional revenue through new taxes or delaying corporate tax cuts or extending existing tax increases passed last year.”

Democrat Bob Hertzberg and Republican Mike Genest expressed their optimism that it’s not to late for bipartisan compromise on comprehensive budget reform as part of a final budget agreement.

Dan Walters continues his crusade against the political nature of politics.

Greg Lucas philosophizes about the ontological status of “good government” legislation.

As opponents challenge the Top-Two Primary reform enacted by voters in June, Lieutenant Governor Abel Maldonado, the California Independent Voters Network, and the Yes on 14 campaign attempted to intervene in the lawsuit. Meanwhile, former Assemblyman Bill Bagley artfully conveyed how this new method of electing state legislators “will ultimately get rid of the extreme partisan gridlock in Sacramento.” As an organization focused on continuous improvement in state governance, CA Fwd is studying how concerns by critics of the Top-Two system could be alleviated.

On the redistricting front, California’s Citizens Redistricting Commission has received national attention as an innovative model that could be implemented across the country. Jeff Reichert, producer of the film Gerrymandering, makes the case for why redistricting processes across the country need to be overhauled. Here’s a clip from the film:

Ash Roughani is a project associate at California Forward. 


Ash Roughani

All stories by: Ash Roughani