Governor-elect Brown begins long and winding road to fix state budget
150 150 Fred Silva

Word from the state Legislative Analyst on Wednesday is that the budget is scarier than we thought. But Governor-elect Jerry Brown is determined to tame the budget beast.

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Drawing the lines For California
150 150 Connie Galambos Malloy

On November 30th, I was sworn in to a 10-year term of service on California’s first-ever Citizens Redistricting Commission. This 8-member body is charged with redrawing …

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Schwarzenegger’s last-gasp budget revives previous ideas
150 150 Kevin Yamamura

In his final budget performance Monday, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger resurrected ideas that fell on the cutting-room floor earlier this year.

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California is different and a 2011 harbinger
150 150 Lenny Mendonca

There has already been, and will be much more written in the wake of the 2010 mid-term elections. Behind the many plot lines that played out at the national level …

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Selection of Redistricting Commission enters final phase
150 150 Malka Kopell

The initial eight members of California’s Citizens Redistricting Commission, chosen last month, meet for the first time today. Their first task: to choose the remaining six members of their group.

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Are you on the map?
150 150 Gina Baleria

Hundreds of Californians have voiced their ideas on how to improve our state, and the “Dear Governor” messages are now posted online as part of the California Forward Idea Map.

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