What the Framework poll results tell us

150 150 Richard Raya

Over the last few weeks, we asked Californians to weigh in on the latest summary of the Smart Government Framework, an outline course of action to restructure the relationship between state and local governments to produce better results.

The results from the Framework Poll on California's priorities

Through a number of approaches outlined in the Framework, California Forward hopes to achieve the Five Big Outcomes, which will ultimately put less pressure on government budgets. Those outcomes are increasing employment, improving education, decreasing poverty and crime, and improving the health of our population.

So, in our Framework poll, which of the Five Big Outcomes do California voters think we should prioritize?

As you can see in the graph to the right, the opinion was mostly split two ways between increasing employment and improving education. Those two outcomes each received more than double the next closest — decreasing poverty.

While each of these five outcomes are necessary parts of rejuvenating our state, the emphasis on employment and education is unsurprising. It likely reflects the nationwide focus on the struggling economy and its close relationship with our education system.

Better education leads to better employment, and that in turn leads to the other three outcomes. This is something we call the Virtuous Cycle in the Framework. 

Let us know in the comments section what you think of the poll results. And thanks again for your input.


Richard Raya

All stories by: Richard Raya