Alexander Edgar

Alexander Edgar is a rising junior at University of California, Berkeley studying Political Behavior with minors in Public Policy and Education. He is interested in developing policy solutions to major social problems, aiming to create a democracy and education systems that are more responsive to the will and needs of the public.

Alex has interned with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement, and California Common Cause. On campus, he is the External Affairs Vice President of the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC) and the Civic Engagement Director for the University of California Student Association (UCSA). In recognition of his civic work, Alex was the 2023 recipient of the John Lewis Youth Leadership Award by the California Secretary of State Shirley Weber. Through his various roles, Alex has become a strong student voice in the youth vote space, being published in Forbes, featured in a CBS News Bay Area segment, and speaking about voting rights and civic education across the country.