California is on a path to recovery–the numbers don’t lie. In October, the unemployment rate, in the state, was 10.1 percent, slightly down from 10.2 percent the previous month. The Golden State added 45,800 jobs from September to October.
Many economists agree we are moving in the right direction, yet, at a snail’s pace.
With more than 1.8 million people still out of work and nearly 600,000 jobs unfilled, how do we jump start our economy and close the skills gap that plagues industry in California?
Concerns over our current and future economy were the topics of discussion during the Milken Institute’s California Summit. Folks, from up and down the state, from various regions spent the day collaborating on best practices to help our state remain globally competitive.
Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom believes the answer is easy–thriving regions leads to a thriving state.