Blog & News

LISTEN: Newsom economic chief Lenny Mendonca talks taxes and beer with Capitol Weekly
610 200 John Guenther

Former CA Fwd co-chair featured on podcast, discussing reinventing economic development and the future of California’s high speed rail

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Everything Counts: Soft skills increasingly vital for employers
580 200 Deb Nankivell

Learning confidence, self-awareness and communication should be baked into career training

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VIDEO: Building the housing the workforce of Monterey Bay needs to thrive
580 200 Kate Roberts

Monterey Bay Economic Partnership bringing employers, the public sector, advocates and others together to build housing near jobs

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Crossing boundaries to create a life-ready workforce for California
580 200 Deb Nankivell

A successful career-track high school in the Central Valley is an example of transformational change

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The Sound of Results
580 200 John Guenther

Students are becoming credentialed and qualified for jobs, finding career pathways they never knew existed

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