Blog & News

The week ahead: A King has fallen
150 150 Chris Nelson

Over the weekend, in the year that marked the 20th anniversary of the L.A. Riots, the man was the reluctant spark that ignited a powder keg in 1992 has passed away.

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If the juvenile justice system is broken, then why don’t we fix it?
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Why does the state of California continue to fund the Division of Juvenile Facilities (DJF) when lately, a about 80 percent of its first offenders consistently return for a second stay?

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California on path to recovery yet?
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Higher home sales & possible construction turnaround good signs for economy

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No more “good old days” when it comes California’s budget
150 150 Fred Silva

Fred Silva, our own Senior Fiscal Policy Advisor, is making the rounds in the media lamenting the lack of transparency that is once again creeping back into California’s budgeting process.

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VIDEO: Latino voting power not maximized by growth numbers
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

The Latino population is a rapidly growing demograhic but the number of Latino voters is not ballooning at the same rate. A political campaign veteran explains why and what their impact might be in November.

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VIDEO: Is Top Two a model for all primaries?
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Grassroots Labs founder Mike Madrid talks about the effect of the top-two system during the June 5 primary

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A guide to ballot initiatives…so far
150 150 Stacy Danielson

Here is the inaugural entry in a series that will chronicle ballot initiatives in California as they qualify and provide the information you need to make informed decisions as a voter.

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VIDEO: Why was voter turnout on June 5 so low?
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

A field poll estimated only 35% of the state’s registered voters were expected to vote—which is projected to be the worst ever in California’s modern history. Why?

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Secretary Bowen reflects on June 5’s successes and failures
150 150 Caroline Vance

An event held at PPIC headquarters in San Francisco last night featured Secretary Bowen reflecting on what went right and when can be improved upon based on last week’s primaries.

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