Broadband for All Gains California Senate and Assembly Commitment
800 450 Jania Palacios

California Forward (CA FWD), the California Economic Summit network and its partners have long advocated for the need to ensure affordable and high-speed broadband to all Californians. “Not only is bridging the digital divide an issue of equity, it’s an imperative if we are to provide more Californians with access to job opportunities, tele-medicine, education…

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PolicyWise Episode 8: 2020 CA Economic Summit Fireside Chat
1024 534 Nadine Ono

Young leaders explore the impact of external social narratives in supporting systemic racism in education, social inclusion and mental health

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California Economic Summit Day One Focuses on Equitable, Resilient Recovery
800 350 Nadine Ono

Annual gathering presented new CA Dream Index data tool and shared regional voices collaborating on problems magnified by the pandemic

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California Dream Index launches at 2020 California Economic Summit
1024 576 Jania Palacios

CA FWD’s new online data platform that tracks and measures 10 indicators of economic security, mobility, and inclusion

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COVID-19 shows that Gov. Newsom, legislators must close California’s digital divide
800 350 Pete Weber and Eduardo Gonzalez

Too many California residents suffer from the digital divide of those who can afford technology and those who cannot. Elected leaders must bridge the gap.

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Dr. Alma Salazar awarded 2020 Regional Steward Leader Award
800 350 Nadine Ono

L.A. regional leader left her mark on California workforce development and was dedicated to the marginalized, underserved, and undocumented

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