VIDEO: Innovative program shows way to graduation, not incarceration
150 150 John Guenther

Partnership with community college helps formerly incarcerated students with housing and support to succeed and not return to jail.

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CA Fwd: Say Yes to Legislative Transparency
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Proposed ballot measure requires bills be available for three days before a final vote and all legislative hearings be posted online.

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California’s energy law driving need for bigger HVAC workforce
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Skills gap creating an inadequate worker pipeline to fill demand for jobs like air conditioning and lighting control techs.

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Mixed messages at economic outlook events
150 150 Michele Nash-Hoff

To maintain its level of prosperity in the future, it is critical that San Diego maintain a strong manufacturing base.

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Environmental symposium to tackle California land use, water and CEQA
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Planning and Conservation League meeting looks to stimulate conversation about three challenges vital to California.

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