Forward Thinker Lucy Dunn works to make California the leading voice in business

150 150 Felicia Matlosz & Cheryl Getuiza

Lucy Dunn knows California can once again be the Golden State.

How do we accomplish this? She believes the private and public sectors need to work together and come up with solutions to or slumping economy.

An attorney by training, Dunn has been on both sides of the coin and now heads the active Orange County Business Council.

Sacramento thinks every regulation is “a perfect snowflake” but refuses to see that “the roof has caved in on the business community from the weight of all that snow.” Dunn says every national business publication reports that California ranks 49th or dead last as the worst state to do business.

She believes California Forward will help get the state back on track with the Government Performance Accountability Act—the path to dramatic results in areas like job creation.

The GPAA will reengineer, from the ground up, how state budgets and major policies are enacted, implemented and kept accountable over time.

“I am encouraged by the efforts undertaken by California Forward to require performance-based budgeting at the state and local level.  As in business, government budgets should be about outcomes and not just continued spending.”

To read Lucy’s full profile, click here. You can also learn about all of our Forward Thinkers, helping fill a void in their community and move California forward.


Felicia Matlosz & Cheryl Getuiza

All stories by: Felicia Matlosz & Cheryl Getuiza