
California and CA Fwd should double-down on Smart Government
610 200 Sunne Wright McPeak

In divisive era, government reform needs to start with framework based on goals, metrics, and accountability for outcomes

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Sentencing Reform and Redemption, California Style
150 150 Jim Mayer

In correcting a mistake with sentencing reform, Governor Brown’s move could open the door to create cost-effective, smart and humane criminal justice strategies in California.

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California’s Golden Opportunity: How to fine tune local control school reform
150 150 Michael Fullan

Three problems with California’s local control accountability plans and three ways to save schools from getting bogged down with complicated plans to improve education outcomes.

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VIDEO: Californians seek greater transparency in local school funding
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Hundreds of Californians attended the State Board of Education meeting in Sacramento last week to encourage more flexibility and transparency in the process.

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Initiative process scrutinized in PPIC roundtable
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

PPIC’s Reforming California’s Initiative Process event, held Thursday afternoon in Sacramento, was an analysis of California’s popular but flawed process of direct democracy

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This Week in Realignment: August 23, 2013
150 150 Christopher Nelson

As is always the case, it’s never as black and white as one might think after reading one or two newspaper articles.

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