Workforce Task Force

California Community Colleges adopt major workforce action plan
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Board of Governors approves list of 25 recommendations to reform the Colleges workforce training programs

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Colleges work to close labor force’s skills gap
150 150 Sydney Kamlager

Op-ed: “Skills gap” is threatening California’s economic growth and keeping people in poverty.

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Town hall showcases new steps to close skills gap in California
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Employers concerned about filling open jobs with skilled workers and community college faculty came to hear about task force’s new recommendations to boost workforce development in California.

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Real life work experience program launches California students into careers
150 150 Bill Britt

Launchpath connects regional employers with high school and community college students to give them a leg up in the competition for jobs and gives a boost to the local workforce.

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California task force approves blueprint for closing skills gap
150 150 John Guenther

Group formed to craft strategies for boosting California’s workforce via the California Community College system submitted their final recommendations this week.

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Career pathways point the way to boosting California’s workforce
150 150 Bill Britt

Getting students, counselors and colleges on the same path that connects courses with actual, in-demand careers is critical to the future of the California workforce.

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Summit: Employers want, need bigger role in workforce training
150 150 Justin Ewers

For California to develop the workforce necessary to remain globally competitive, employers must be given ways to play a larger role in the state’s workforce training system, the California Economic Summit emphasized in a letter to the task force charged with making community colleges more responsive to the state’s economy.

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Task Force: Future of California economy depends on funding middle-skill job education
150 150 John Guenther

California group looking at closing skills gap tackles the puzzle of boosting funding for career technical education and how to get community colleges to align the courses so students and industry don’t get the runaround.

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