
A Sustainable Los Angeles? That’s the Plan!
150 150 Ed Coghlan

City’s first Sustainability Officer explains what the “triple bottom line” means when it comes to measuring the plan to improve the quality life of residents.

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California bill would require open data to be easily retrievable and searchable
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Law would mean agencies could not forward hard-to-analyze and unsearchable PDF’s or spreadsheet printouts of public records when the data has been defined as “open.”

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Open data bill would require cities to create data inventories
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Local governments would need to catalog their data management systems and make the information publicly available under bill by State Senator Bob Hertzberg.

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New MBA program masters the link between government & technology
150 150 Bill Britt

Students go through curriculum combining design, innovation, leadership and technology to ultimately help government work more efficiently.

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