Connecting California

Facing the Digital Divide in College
1024 576 Amber Bolden

Imperial Valley student leader outlines the obstacles facing higher education as it tries to support students experiencing technical and social disconnections in a virtual learning environment

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Bi-Cameral Broadband Action Supported by Broad Coalition
1024 540 Nadine Ono

Organizations across California voice their support for SB 4 and AB 14 to help address the digital divide

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Broadband for All Gains California Senate and Assembly Commitment
800 450 Jania Palacios

California Forward (CA FWD), the California Economic Summit network and its partners have long advocated for the need to ensure affordable and high-speed broadband to all Californians. “Not only is…

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COVID-19 shows that Gov. Newsom, legislators must close California’s digital divide
800 350 Pete Weber and Eduardo Gonzalez

Too many California residents suffer from the digital divide of those who can afford technology and those who cannot. Elected leaders must bridge the gap.

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Call for New Federal Partnership on Broadband Access in California
800 448 Nadine Ono

Recent CA FWD webinar explored how federal funds could augment California’s broadband action plan

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New State Broadband Action Plan Seeks Community-Based Input
800 300 Deb Kollars

First of two listening sessions draws diverse group of regional leaders

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Internet providers must take lead on closing digital divide
610 210 Barbara O'Connor and John Chiang

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent executive order directing state agencies to address the digital divide is a great start. But leadership must go beyond government. Internet access is a 21st century civil right.

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