CA Fwd Legacy

VIDEO: Panetta urges reforms in California to continue
610 200 Ed Coghlan

Former Defense Secretary gives rousing speech on the state of national politics and the need for California to be a model of reform.

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CA Fwd: Moving CA From Red Ink to a Reserve
610 200 Ed Coghlan

How CA took a leap forward in creating a more stable state budget picture

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CA Fwd: Rebuilding Trust Between The People and Government
610 200 Ed Coghlan

How organization has encouraged and promoted more responsive government for a decade

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California and CA Fwd should double-down on Smart Government
610 200 Sunne Wright McPeak

In divisive era, government reform needs to start with framework based on goals, metrics, and accountability for outcomes

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CA Fwd and Riverside County: Using Data to Solve Problems
610 200 Jay Orr

A model for system change sprang from a need to make criminal justice more cost-effective and lower jail populations

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