(Photo: Violeta Vaquiero/CAFWD)
In adopting this year’s budget, California Legislators have recognized the importance of investing public dollars in new ways to help more Californians thrive and prosper in a changing and challenging world.
The budget aligns with the priorities of California Forward, the California Economic Summit and the California Stewardship Network in wildfire preparedness and forest resiliency, inclusive regional economic development, small business support, and broadband infrastructure to help close the digital divide.
Investing in our communities and regional economies is needed now more than ever. We are particularly encouraged by the $600 million investment in the state’s regional economies through the Community Economic Resilience Fund to support the planning and implementation of economic plans centered in communities and aligned to meet the state’s climate goals.
Additionally, the investment to build an open-access middle-mile broadband network, for which we and many others have strongly advocated, is a key long-term solution that opens the doors for more internet providers to reach underserved and unserved Californians. To fully participate in a 21st century economy, all Californians need access to affordable high-speed broadband.
We look forward to working with the governor and the Legislature in supporting a recovery that is racially, economically and geographically equitable for all Californians.
Statement on behalf of CA FWD CEO Micah Weinberg, www.cafwd.org.