(Photo: Violeta Vaqueiro)
California Forward (CA FWD) congratulates Governor Newsom and the Legislature for their leadership in navigating a historically difficult year. As a proponent of fiscal responsibility and the Rainy Day Fund, which CA FWD helped devise and pass, we are proud to see it continues to work as intended and that the state is in a better position to weather the economic downturn than in the past.
Central to our work has been the recognition that California is composed of diverse regional economies. We are pleased to see investments in the governor’s proposed 2021-22 budget that can help improve equity and energize the environment, particularly in the North State, a region that did not experience the past economic boom equally. Investments of $1 billion to support a wildfire and forest resilience action plan are precisely what we need to help lift that region up, including $512 million to create resilient forests and landscapes, $323 million in early actions to protect communities, and a $76 million investment in innovative projects and workforce preparedness with a focus on expanding wood product markets.
Strengthening education from cradle to career has been a priority for CA FWD and our partners. We are encouraged to see continued investments to support work-based learning, apprenticeships and workforce programs at community colleges, and cradle-to-career infrastructure to help more Californians prepare for a 21st century economy and expand opportunities.
CA FWD looks forward to continuing to work with cross-sector leaders, the California Stewardship Network and the California Economic Summit network to shape the statutory infrastructure needed to support the governor and legislature to move forward solutions that balance racial and economic equity, environmental stewardship and the creation of economic opportunity.
Statement on behalf of Micah Weinberg, CEO of CA FWD