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Gina Baleria

Commission praised for transparency and encouraged to hear all voices
150 150 Gina Baleria

The first round of California’s new political maps have been unveiled, and many organizations involved in helping ensure the commission made it through legislative and other hurdles are pleased with its painstaking efforts to be transparent and thorough, but concerned that not all communities are having their voices heard.

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CA redistricting makes national headlines as lawmakers take positions
150 150 Gina Baleria

The nation is watching closely as California works to wrench the redistricting process away from gerrymandering and toward a map that better represents Californians, and several national media outlets are writing about the process this week, as we await the release of the preliminary maps.

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New redistricting maps may temper critics
150 150 Gina Baleria

The long-awaited newly drawn California district maps will be released on June 10, but visual plans are already available online. While many naysayers may still find something to dislike, some of the most vocal critics are finding more to celebrate than to pan.

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Redistricting and the budget
150 150 Gina Baleria

It’s a big week, both for the California Citizens Redistricting Commission and the state’s budget negotiations. On Friday, the first round of newly drawn political maps will be released. And a few days later on June 15, lawmakers must have a budget plan passed.

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Speak Up CA at the Half Moon Bay Brewing Company
150 150 Gina Baleria

People from Half Moon Bay and vicinity talked to us about their communities at a recent “Brews & Views” event at the Half Moon Bay Brewing Company.

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South LA roundtable focuses on how best to get local agencies to work together
150 150 Gina Baleria

At the CA Fwd regional roundtable in South LA on Monday, attendees were open to the ideas outlined in the Smart Government Framework, but skeptical when it came to how to share resources and execute the plan.

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