New California Bills Empower Regional Economic Sustainability
800 300 Micah Weinberg

California Economic Summit priorities built into legislation introduced this session

VIDEO: Regions Rise Together event highlights Kern County economic assets
610 200 John Guenther

Regional leaders gathered in Bakersfield to share with state officials what the area economy has to offer

Region Rise Together Event in Bakersfield Makes the Point — We’re Unique
610 200 Ed Coghlan

Economic strategy series turns its focus to Kern County’s distinct assets and challenges and how the state can better collaborate with regions

VIDEO: California’s economic initiative Regions Rise Together lifts off in San Bernardino
610 200 John Guenther

Leaders from the Inland Empire talk about the local assets and challenges and what the State can do to boost the region’s economy

Regions Rise Together series kicks off in the Inland Empire
610 200 Nadine Ono

Joint strategy sessions led by GO-Biz and CA Fwd are highlighting regional assets and ideas to boost equitable growth