VIDEO: How to better connect higher education to the future workforce
580 200 Ed Coghlan

Expanding access and making sure grads can fill good-paying jobs should be top priorities say college leaders

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VIDEO: How a vibrant rural California helps entire economy
580 200 Ed Coghlan

Summit leaders on how stronger urban-rural links and better broadband can benefit all regions

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Moving CA Fwd through the California Economic Summit
610 199 John Guenther

Recap of this year’s Summit and a look ahead to next year

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Thinking Boldly about California Housing and CEQA
580 200 John Cox

Candidate for California Governor says California Environmental Quality Act is in need of an overhaul to get more housing built

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707 is rising
580 200 Bill Mueller

Devastation from the region’s fires is also driving unprecedented collaboration across city and county boundaries.

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VIDEO: Here’s how the Summit is making a difference in California
580 200 John Guenther

Leaders who were at the Summit talk about the value of gathering of the right people from the right sectors taking on the right issues

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