No change in number of CA Congressional seats
150 150 Armando Botello II

The California Citizens Redistricting Commission now knows exactly how many Congressional districts it will need to draw.

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CA Fwd’s Bob Hertzberg discusses governance and reform
150 150 Gina Baleria

The future of reform in California was the primary focus of a special panel at the “California’s Future” conference, hosted by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC)…

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$10,000: One man’s repayment for CA unemployment benefits
150 150 Marisa Lagos

Just in time for the holidays comes this story of a former Californian who wanted to show his appreciation to the Golden State for helping get him through a hard time…

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Redistricting panel chosen
150 150 Malka Kopell

The original eight members of the Citizens Redistricting Commission have now selected the remaining six commissioners…

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California Supreme Court won’t block Proposition 14
150 150 Bob Egelko

Today it was announced that the California Supreme Court has decided not to hear a request to block the state’s new election process.

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State lawmakers tout CA Fwd ideas in discussions on how to solve the budget crisis
150 150 Justin Ewers

For California’s budget, it has been a week of the worst of times and then even worse. With California once again confronting a massive budget shortfall estimated at more than $25 billion …

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