50-state project to measure corruption risks
150 150 John Guenther

The State Accountability Project is an unprecedented effort to create a 50-state ranking of government transparency and accountability.

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Senate budget hearing a gerrymandering special
150 150 John Guenther

The Sacramento Bee’s Kevin Yamamura takes a closer look at the gerrymandering of CA legislative districts which led to one district line being drawn right through a college campus.

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CA’s reform movement underway, even if some don’t know it
150 150 Ed Coghlan

‘I read the cover story in The Economist this week about what the reporter (Andreas Kluth) believes is a dysfunctional government in California. He essentially argues that there’s too much democracy, that the initiative process has created unwieldy ballot box budgeting and that has paralyzed the state. I thought it was very simplistic.

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Cuts to higher ed: the master plan turncoats
150 150 John Guenther

Some of the same state legislators who benefited from the higher education system now won’t act to keep it whole.

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