Forward Thinker Gisselle Acevedo works to ensure young children prepped for success

150 150 Tom Salyers

CA Fwd has named Gisselle Acevedo, president and CEO of Para Los Niños, a Forward Thinker, thanks to her work to fill a void left by the state when it comes to early childhood education.

Para Los Niños works in communities to help families overcome obstacles by plugging the gaps left by insufficient public support for vulnerable children.

“Where you grow up matters.  It is a pivotal component of whether a child will thrive or sink into generational poverty, poor health and the abyss of the academic achievement gap,” said Acevedo. 

Para Los Niños was recently selected by First 5 Los Angeles to lead the Best Start Metro LA pilot.  By fostering parent leadership, Best Start is establishing solid resources for children and stronger communities for all.

“Through Best Start, we are building upon local community strengths to improve the lives of children prenatal to age 5 and their families,” said Acevedo.  And that’s a recipe for success.

To read Acevedo’s full profile, go to our Forward Thinkers page. You may also tell us about a Forward Thinker you know in your community.


Tom Salyers

All stories by: Tom Salyers