South LA roundtable focuses on how best to get local agencies to work together
150 150 Gina Baleria

At the CA Fwd regional roundtable in South LA on Monday, attendees were open to the ideas outlined in the Smart Government Framework, but skeptical when it came to how to share resources and execute the plan.

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El Monte Roundtable likes ideas, but unsure how to implement
150 150 Agustin Gurza

Local government representatives from throughout Southern California agreed unanimously Monday that state government should be held accountable to measurable outcomes, one of five “smart government” proposals being advanced by California Forward. But, they were less optimistic about how to make it happen.

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Forward Thinker Karin Wang dedicates her life to helping disenfranchised communities
150 150 Felicia Matlosz

CA Fwd has named Karin Wang, vice president of programs and communications for the Asian Pacific American Legal Center, a Forward Thinker, for her work fighting for justice and working to improve life for immigrants, the poor, the disenfranchised and others whose voices are not heard.

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New revenue does not dampen Gov’s call for tax extensions in May revise
150 150 Gina Baleria

An additional $6.6 billion is expected to make it into CA coffers through fiscal year 2012, but Governor Brown says tax extensions are still necessary to close the remaining $9.6 billion gap.

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What the Framework poll results tell us
150 150 Richard Raya

Over the last few weeks, we asked Californians to weigh in on the latest summary of the Smart Government Framework, an outline course of action to restructure the relationship between state and local governments to produce better results.

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Senate Budget Committee Approves Bills Requiring Performance-Based, Multi-Year Budgeting
150 150 John Guenther

Two bills that could vastly improve the state’s budgeting process and lead to a more stable fiscal landscape have passed unanimously out of a Senate committee and are on their way to the full floor. SB 14 would require budgeting based on the performance, and SB 15 would require multi-year, long-term budgeting and forecasting.

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Business groups call for workout plan to restart budget negotiations
150 150 John Guenther

Business organizations from across the state sent an open letter Wednesday to the Governor and legislature, urging them to adopt a five-point financial workout plan that is consistent with the principles put forth by CA Fwd.

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