As budget deadline arrives, some turn to prayer as last best option
150 150 Victor Abalos

Perhaps faith leaders who gathered at the state capitol had the right idea — a prayer — in response to increasing anxiety about our state budget. The budget deadline comes on the same day as a new Field Poll showing support for both Gov. Brown and his tax extensions slipping.

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Can you say…punt?
150 150 Justin Ewers

The budget package legislative Democrats are voting on today may solve one problem that has plagued the state in recent years: It will allow legislators to say they passed a budget on time. But that’s about all it does.

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PPIC Analysis finds no evidence of gerrymandering so far in redistricting process
150 150 John Guenther

The Public Policy Institute of California has released a fact sheet on the CA Citizens Redistricting Commission’s recently released draft redistricting maps.

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Strange bedfellows come together to urge passage of CA budget
150 150 Gina Baleria

California’s June 15 budget deadline is moving ever-closer, and today Governor Brown brought together a rarely seen coalition of agriculture, labor, business, education, and law enforcement officials, who voiced support for his plan and urged Republicans to get on board to move the state forward.

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California Redistricting–The People Win
150 150 Ed Coghlan

The California Redistricting Commission released its draft report on Friday showing the newly drawn Congressional and legislative districts. Judging by the howling that is coming from all corners, including many officeholders, it looks like the Citizens Commission has done a great job.

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Commission praised for transparency and encouraged to hear all voices
150 150 Gina Baleria

The first round of California’s new political maps have been unveiled, and many organizations involved in helping ensure the commission made it through legislative and other hurdles are pleased with its painstaking efforts to be transparent and thorough, but concerned that not all communities are having their voices heard.

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Fred Keeley on Comcast Newsmakers
150 150 John Guenther

Throughout the month of June, CA Fwd Leadership Council member Fred Keeley will appear on Comcast Newsmakers, discussing California Forward’s work to move government closer to the people and make it more accountable, transparent, and effective.

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