Introducing data-driven discourse to the California Superior Court system
150 150 Evan Storms

Developing hard, quantitative standards of spending efficiency should be a priority for a state in California’s financial position. But efforts toward developing such standards have been placed on indefinite hold in the state’s trial court system.

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Move toward performance-based, multi-year budget essential for California
150 150 Gina Baleria

The Assembly Budget Committee this morning sent to the full Assembly two bills that would help stabilize California’s fiscal system: SB 14 and SB 15. They passed with votes of 20-0 and 20-1, respectively.

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Forward Thinker Tim Murakami gets to the heart of community issues
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

California Forward has named Lt. Tim Murakami a Forward Thinker for his work get to the source of issues facing the community.

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Doing business with each other
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

What’s the best way to connect minority businesswomen with others in their community—then give them the tools to succeed? Put them all in one room, for one day.

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Gov. Brown frank about challenges ahead for CA
150 150 Felicia Matlosz

Coming off a tough budget battle in Sacramento, Gov. Jerry Brown gave a Fresno audience a straightforward assessment of the fractured political climate in the state’s capital – but also a dose of optimism that change can happen.

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Californians put money-talk on hold until waste goes down and trust goes up
150 150 Jim Mayer

It is hard to talk about dysfunction in California government without talking about money. And it is hard everywhere these days to talk about taxes.

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Stanford-based group highlights lack of transparency in CA legislature
150 150 Evan Storms

California Common Sense (CACS)—a Stanford-based nonprofit dedicated to increasing government transparency—highlights discrepancies with reported lawmaker spending and unreported spending.

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