Video: State of the Bay Area’s infrastructure

150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

I’m sure many of us, at one point when we were kids, have heard that saying from our parents whenever we asked for something. That’s probably the answer our legislators would like to give when local governments ask for more money for infrastructure projects.

If only money DID grow on trees, it would solve many of California’s problems, given the state’s huge agricultural sector.

Folks who study the state’s infrastructure know we’ve got a hefty challenge: California faces a ten-year, $765 billion infrastructure deficit, $500 billion of which covers transportation.

Right now, navigating through some of the busiest streets in some of the busiest cities is difficult. Imagine what it’ll look like a few years down the road when traffic jams caused by fast-growing populations will be a nightmare.

What’s the answer? The Golden State needs to build smarter and be more innovative in how it pays for upgrades.

California Forward has created a Smart Infrastructure Strategy for California. In fact, Infrastructure is a Signature Initiative of the California Economic Summit.

Regions up and down the state know we must invest in infrastructure in order to support our long-term economic growth.

Representatives in the Silicon Valley sounded off at the second annual Silicon Valley regional economic forum about their regional and state concerns.


Cheryl Getuiza

All stories by: Cheryl Getuiza