CACS Launches Civic Engagement Platform

150 150 Jasmine Nachtigall

California is on an unsustainable financial path littered with the heavy-handed influence of special interest money. But we can counteract that influence in Sacramento if enough Californians come together and act to fix our state.  

Many people care about the issues, but without a strong collective voice, politicians will not listen.

This week California Common Sense launched a revolutionary civic engagement platform where people can learn more about issues that affect California and “Vote to FixIt!”  Visit CACS on the web and make your voice heard.

For example, one can take a closer look at the state’s funding of the pension system. The current funding status of the public pension system is not sustainable and could impact the state’s future.  Even assuming an average 9.5 percent rate of return over the next 16 years (considered an unrealistic number–25 percent more than Warren Buffett assumes), the major pension plans have greater than a 50 percent probability of being underfunded in the next 15 years.

California Common Sense is a non-partisan, non-profit founded by Stanford students and alumni with the goals of enabling data-driven discourse and political activism. 

The CACS platform features a variety of user-discovered issues based on detailed government data that you can explore, comment on, and then vote to fix in order to bring about real reform. Learn more about how it works here.

Elected officials will be encouraged to respond to the most popular issues. Now is the time to fix California, and using the CACS platform you can build the grassroots movement needed to spark positive change.

Jasmine Nachtigall is the Business Development Director for California Common Sense


Jasmine Nachtigall

All stories by: Jasmine Nachtigall