Recommendation to Governor for Statewide Broadband Policy
Closing the “Digital Divide” and ensuring affordable, high-speed broadband access to all Californians has been a critical component of the California Economic Summit’s ongoing efforts in creating a more equitable, safe, and prosperous state. In the Regions Rise Together meetings that California Forward hosted with the Newsom Administration this year, it was the most frequently cited issue across all geographies as being the key to unlocking growth in the state’s regions.
To provide a framework for addressing this challenge, Summit partners and broadband stakeholders worked collectively in the months leading up to this year’s California Economic Summit to formulate a new recommendation statement urging Governor Gavin Newsom to develop a Statewide Broadband Action Policy to drive broadband deployment in all corners of the state. The recommendation statement was refined during and after the Summit in Fresno Nov. 7 and 8 and delivered to the Governor and his staff today. It has been endorsed by a broad array of voices.
Read more in the Summit blog “Summit and partners urge California to adopt broadband action policy”