California Community Colleges Helping Address Nursing Shortage
610 200 Nadine Ono

Internationally-trained nurses face a difficult barrier to practice in California. The Single Subject Course pilot is one example of improving the workforce pipeline by providing international healthcare workers access to courses needed obtain their state license.

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A Way Home for CA: What people are saying this week about the housing crisis – August 18
580 200 Justin Ewers

California’s housing options keep getting more complicated, as wealthy cities push back on new development and political issues threaten new funding sources

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VIDEO: Retooling California schools to spark upward mobility
580 200 John Guenther

We asked about the importance of improving education so today’s students do better than previous generations

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California’s nonprofit sector is key to addressing economic insecurity
610 200 Melissa Denton and Tameka Carter

Programs like a theater company for at-risk youth can give them a reason to be optimistic and to achieve beyond circumstance

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