Alex Raksin: The Whitman and Brown debate
150 150 Alex Raksin

The notion that California is the place to “invent the American dream” may have been conjured up by real estate hucksters, but Californians largely accepted this romantic ideal during the 20th Century, thanks not only to the Mamas and the Papas and scores of other Hollywood musicians and movie-makers, but to the Progressive leaders who created a ballot initiative process that gives voters enough clout to act like a Fourth branch of government.

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Welcome to the California Forward Elections Blog!
150 150 California Forward

From now until Election Day on Nov. 2, 2010, we dedicate our blog to you. This space is a forum for you to discuss and debate the issues facing our state, the propositions and candidates on the ballot, and how all of this affects us.

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Dear Gov responses
150 150 Vance Hickin

On Tuesday, California Forward announced the launch of its important campaign to engage with people across the state, encouraging them to share their thoughts about budget reform.

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Speaking up for California at Loyola Law School
150 150 Armando Botello II

On Friday, Sept. 24, 2010, California Forward talked to attendees of the Rebooting California symposium at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles as part of our Speak Up for California campaign.

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Open letter to California’s Next Governor
150 150 California Forward Leadership Council

In an open letter to the gubernatorial candidates, we have asked them to explain where they stand on fiscal reform. We’ve also developed a set of nonpartisan reforms to help balance the budget, reduce waste, and deliver better results.

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Profile of a potential commissioner: Melissa Brown
150 150 Melissa San Miguel

The Citizens Redistricting Commission selection process is approaching the end of a critical stage this week as more than 120 semi-finalists are being interviewed.

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Profile of a potential commissioner: Angelo Ancheta
150 150 Melissa San Miguel

Angelo Ancheta has been involved in redistricting and civil rights issues for most of his career. A

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Profile of a potential commissioner: Kerry Koths
150 150 Melissa San Miguel

A transplant from Texas, Kerry Koths has lived in California for 25 years. His has worked in various sectors from the oil industry to advertising to construction.

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Profile of a potential commissioner: Sandor X. Mayuga
150 150 Melissa San Miguel

Mayuga says he aspires to join the Citizens Redistricting Commission to redraw districts that will return California as a leader among states and to meriting the respect and reputation it once had.

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