Blog & News

Common sense helps move California forward
150 150 Caroline Vance

Mention of the dysfunctions and malfunctions of California state government prompted chuckles from the audience at The Commonwealth Club on Thursday, at a panel discussion on government openness and accountability.

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On the brink of historic change: Realignment and the corrections system
150 150 Mark Baldassare

California is about to embark on far-reaching changes in the way it manages adult prisons and jails, and the PPIC takes a closer look at how this will impact county and city governments.

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Calls intensify for lawmakers to open their calendars
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza & Nate Levine

It’s become a hot button issue the last few months—Will California lawmakers buckle down and reveal their daily calendars?

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Forward Thinker Tandra Johnson works to bring support to military families
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

California Forward has named Tandra Johnson a Forward Thinker for bringing the community together to bring patriotism and support to military families. For Tandra Johnson, saying good bye to her son is never easy—a marine in the special forces, he was recently redeployed. “The emotions of the unknown and not having anyone who understands—I felt alone.”

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Working families get fresh start at SEIU-ULTCW event
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

At the second annual Fresh Start for Working Families, thousands of people filled Ted Watkins Memorial Park in Los Angeles for a day of care for their kids—free backpacks, haircuts, health screenings and more.

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Cultivating lawmaker friendships can lead to more compromise across the aisle
150 150 Bill Bagley

Former California Assemblyman Bill Bagley has watched with the rest of Californians as interactions between state lawmakers have become more hyper-partisan and gridlocked, and he suggests simple social interaction as a way to ease the way toward bipartisan solutions.

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LAO Report on Realignment Affirms CA FWD Smart Government Proposals
150 150 Richard Raya

The CA Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) has just released a report on the state’s 2011-2012 Realignment Plan that aligns very closely with California Forward’s Smart Government Framework. It’s not surprising that there is overlap between LAO recommendations and the CA FWD proposals, because much of what we are proposing is common sense. It is, however, affirming that the esteemed LAO appears to be pushing for the same improvements.

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