Blog & News

Keeping the Bay Area economy on track: labor, business and environment key
150 150 Ed Coghlan & Cheryl Getuiza

When other Californians look at the San Francisco Bay Area economy, they see a very diverse and robust engine. And Bay Area business leaders plan to keep it that way.

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CAFwd Radio: Voting by mail gets tricky this year
150 150 Gina Baleria

The US Postal Service, in an effort to deal with major budget shortfalls, is planning to close many processing centers on May 15, less than a month before California’s June fifth primary election and of course before the November sixth presidential election.

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Plan to fix economy takes shape at San Diego forum
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Vacation is over, time for plan to boost regional economies

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CA jobs picture shows budding recovery
150 150 Ed Coghlan

A long way to go but some companies still betting on CA

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Sonoma forum sets tone for economic recovery
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Business leaders identify top 3 priorities for wine country region

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Video: Snapshot of San Diego’s economy
150 150 John Guenther

Leaders take stock of the economy in America’s Finest City

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California’s Economy: Mixed Bag?
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Report shows less gloom, some doom. Where do we go from here?

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Jumping the shark: putting taxes before reform
150 150 California Forward

There is a lot of chatter about all of the new tax measures on the table. But can we afford to pump more money into the same broken system?

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Paving the Way for Growth in San Diego
150 150 Julie Meier Wright

What’s in store for the San Diego forum on March 9

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