Blog & News

California Pensions: Lack of transparency mires coming reform
150 150 Christopher Nelson

If you have been following the path of pension reform through the final few days of the California Legislature session this week, you might be scratching your head thinking you have walked into bizarro world

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Video: What can a city do to create California jobs?
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

We ask local and state leaders about what cities can do to boost job creation in-town

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Video: Examining discord between California Legislature and local governments
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Many believe that problems in the state and local relationship today reflect the fact that local officials don’t have the flexibility or authority to properly perform their jobs

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What’s the real story on California Realignment?
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Recently, there has been a flurry of media activity aimed at assessing whether California Realignment is making any real progress. We think that for the most part, the media are getting it wrong.

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California Legislature shouldn’t rush to judgment
150 150 Ed Coghlan

It’s the last week of the two year Legislative session and final action on non-urgency bills must take place by midnight on August 31

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Updated: California legislature mulling election day voter registration
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

On Thursday the Senate Appropriations Committee approved AB 1436, legislation that would allow citizens to register to vote up to and on election day. The approval sends the bill to the Senate floor for a majority vote later this month.

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