Blog & News

Op-ed: Governor Brown, meet Rick Perry at the airport
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Jerry Brown should take on Rick Perry in debate as CA recovers with more work to be done

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Realignment–What’s the Real Story?
150 150 John Guenther

It was another busy week in the world of public safety realignment in California as the implementation of historic legislation that has helped enable California to close the revolving door of low-level inmates cycling in and out of state prisons continues.

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The dynamics of governing Open Data
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

As public agencies are being pushed to release more data, a report from the Center for Technology in Government (CTG) looks at what governments should consider before implementing transparency initiatives to ensure efforts have a valuable impact on good governance and public utility.

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Dairy Cliff narrowly averted for California milk industry
150 150 Niki Woodard

The fiscal cliff wasn’t the only cliff that threatened the nation’s economic balance to start the year. Elected officials in Washington were also grappling with how to keep the nation from going headfirst off the dairy cliff.

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Dueling websites tell different stories about CEQA
150 150 Justin Ewers

CEQA reform sites highlight environmental law “successes” or “abuses”

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