Blog & News

A Californian’s views on business with China
150 150 Pete Weber

Led by Governor Brown, an American delegation of about 100 business and government leaders arrived in Beijing on April 8th for a ten-day visit to China. These are impressions shared by Pete Weber of California Forward after the Beijing portion of the trip.

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Are special elections a waste of time and money?
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

According to the county’s registrar’s office, the cost estimate for the March 12, 2013 Senate District 32 special primary election is $560,000. Out of 58,520 voters in Pomona, 5,634 voted.

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China-California ‘trade’ deal is signed
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Chinese investment would be a major player in CA’s future economy

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California water — starting to boil as political issue?
150 150 John Guenther

Governor Brown has called water a chronic issue in the history of the state and he’s right. And he is talking about it again, which has triggered multiple conversations on the subject across the state.

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Future of California Elections: The many facets of reform
150 150 Christopher Nelson

The right to vote is one of the most intrinsic to our democracy and the number of moving parts involved with guaranteeing this civic right are vast

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California says to China “Here we come”
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Gov. Brown appeals to Chinese for investment

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