Blog & News

Cambodian community speaks up about voter information
150 150 Michelle Romero

The official state voter guide is the single piece of voter information that (supposedly) every voter receives prior to an election. The problem is, well “it’s complex,” “confusing,” and written in “legalese,” just to name a few complaints from voters.

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California “Marches” to more job growth
150 150 Ed Coghlan

State keeps adding construction jobs to drop to 9.4% unemployment

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CEQA Roundup: Rifts among Dems start to show
150 150 Justin Ewers

Senate leader reacts to Gov. Brown surprise statement

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This week in Realignment: April 19, 2013
150 150 Christopher Nelson

With all of the speculation and prognostication surrounding public safety realignment, arithmetic provides the most succinct summary of what is happening. We give you our public safety realignment weekly digest.

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Online voting registration’s influence set to expand in California
150 150 Christopher Nelson

As more and more data is analyzed from last November’s election, the impact of the recently-enacted Online Voter Registration (OVR) in California continues to crystallize.

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Building the new voting machine of the future — right here in California
150 150 John Guenther

It’s in L.A. where County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean Logan is leading an effort to modernize and streamline the voting system for the County.

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Statewide survey says Californians support Gov. Brown education proposal
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

A statewide survey shows a very healthy majority of Californians support the governor’s proposal to both increase funding to districts with low income students learning English as well as giving school districts more autonomy in choosing how to spend state funds

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