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This week in Realignment: September 20, 2013
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Regardless of what the court dictates with respect to SB 105, California must continue to embrace this shift long-term as it is the only true means of attacking recidivism at the source

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Computer literacy key to middle class jobs in California
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

Computers still don’t match up with humans when it comes to problem solving abilities

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Video: Future bright for open data movement
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Municipalities throughout the state have moved to provide data to the people. San Francisco is one of the first cities to hire a Chief Innovation Officer. The City also has an open data policy. The city of Palo Alto has an extensive open data platform.

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Possible: Rail project under budget & on-time
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

VIDEO: Construction completed thanks to public-private partnership

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SB 360: A ticket to the 21st century for California voting machines
150 150 Ed Coghlan

County voting systems in California are aging rapidly and the process for approving voting systems is doing little to help certify new innovative systems or to spur new approaches to voting system development.

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California Legislature notches a winning season
150 150 Jim Mayer

From CA Fwd’s perspective – nonpartisan, good governance – 2013 was a winning season, not a championship year, but steady progress.

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Data brings power to the people if it goes from information to insight
150 150 Mark Orcutt

Achieving such a transformation is not an easy task when you are faced with government information that is relatively manageable in size, but often overwhelmingly complex.

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