Blog & News

New tool provides access to key data for special districts
150 150 Jim Mayer and Neil McCormick

Working in partnership, California Forward (CA Fwd) and the California Special Districts Association (CSDA), have launched a new tool for accessing key financial data on the state’s nearly 2,000 special districts

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Early Learning Development and the Local Control Funding Formula
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

One area that hasn’t received much ink in regard to ELD is how it stands to fare under California’s new Local Control Funding Formula law

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California Forward hires former Common Cause policy advocate as new public affairs director
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Just today, California Forward’s hiring of California Common Cause veteran Philip Ung as its new Public Affairs Director was announced. He will start on January 1.

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Desert Hot Springs declares state of fiscal emergency
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

If money matters in the city of Desert Hot Springs, of Riverside County, don’t improve, the city will have to file for bankruptcy. Again.

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California’s surplus must be used wisely
150 150 Mark Orcutt

Not only does focusing on outcomes create an atmosphere that reinforces the effective use of public funds, but it also helps to regain the trust of voters.

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