Blog & News

Agreement on Rainy Day Fund bolsters California’s financial future
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Although much talk has been about the severe drought facing California in 2014, today Sacramento safeguarded the state from the one rainy day we all do not want to see right now.

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VIDEO: CACEO to create new election cost database
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Democracy isn’t free. Elections cost money and California holds a lot of them. How much exactly? Well you can’t put an accurate price tag on elections. Well, not yet, anyway. But that’s about change.

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California Secretary of State candidates on modernizing Cal-Access
150 150 Ed Coghlan

We asked the seven candidates for California Secretary of State to tell us how and when they would modernize Cal-Access, the state’s outdated campaign finance and lobbying database

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Voter’s Edge arms Californians with abundance of information
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Casting an informed ballot requires hitting the books before hitting the booth. If you don’t do your homework, voting can feel like taking exam you didn’t study for. Voter’s Edge looks to change that.

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