Blog & News

California Attorney General adds commenting to ballot initiative site
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Important reforms to how our state’s direct democracy is conducted were signed into law in the fall of 2014 and they are starting to see the light of day in the real world

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VIDEO: Growing the Inland Empire logistics hub
150 150 John Guenther

Stories on the region hosting the 2015 Summit

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Governor Brown: Once More with Gusto?
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Jerry Brown now has the unique distinction of being the youngest and the oldest man ever elected governor of California. At the start of his historic fourth term, there is still much to be done

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Year in Review: 2014 was good, but 2015 can be even better
150 150 Ed Coghlan

As he looked back on 2014, CA Fwd CEO Jim Mayer saw progress in each of the organization’s priorities

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Year in Review: Community Corrections
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Perhaps no other project area under the California Forward has achieved so much in a single year while also taking on so much more to start the next than the Partnership for Community Excellence

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Year in Review: LCFF and CA Fwd’s partnership with CSBA
150 150 Ed Coghlan

CSBA and CA Fwd are convening a statewide LCFF collaborative working group of 17 school districts and county offices of education to determine best practices to fit any size county or office of education

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