Blog & News

EIFDs get two thumbs up at L.A. infrastructure gathering
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Tool for funding badly needed local and regional infrastructure projects and maintenance gains interest across the state

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Wait… What? Agency advising Governor on payments to counties proposes moving to VBM to save money
150 150 Doug Chapin

The State of California, like some other states, has an “unfunded mandate” law that requires the state to make money available for new legislation that imposes costs on counties. In practice, those mandates can be “suspended” for budgetary reasons, leaving localities holding the bag on costs.

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Survey: Californians face knowledge gap of school funding reform but support grows when gap closed
150 150 John Guenther

Many parents surveyed said they received no information on participating in LCFF process but there’s support for the goals and funding to close achievement gaps in California schools.

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Michael Fullan: California schools are potential leaders in “whole system reform”
150 150 Aaron Davis

In conversation with CSBA magazine, expert on education reform touts CA Fwd paper on capacity building at the local level for positive change in school performance.

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Investing local money in the real economy frees up capital for community business
150 150 Marc Nemanic

As the number of community banks shrinks and capital remains tight in some regions of California, cities need new local-focused approaches to funding small business.

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New MBA program masters the link between government & technology
150 150 Bill Britt

Students go through curriculum combining design, innovation, leadership and technology to ultimately help government work more efficiently.

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