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CA Fwd Statement on Governor’s Budget Revision
150 150 California Forward

Our comments on the just-released May budget revision by Governor Brown.

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Central Valley focuses on retaining and growing manufacturing jobs
150 150 Jim Mayer

Manufacturers gathered with the public sector to partner up on cultivating a strong workforce and more alignment to keep manufacturing in California

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Part 5: Spend unexpected revenues in ways that will make money in lean times
150 150 Lenny Mendonca and Pete Weber

Four ways California can provide itself some cover for the next economic downturn and not repeat the budgetary mistakes of the past

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California bill would require open data to be easily retrievable and searchable
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Law would mean agencies could not forward hard-to-analyze and unsearchable PDF’s or spreadsheet printouts of public records when the data has been defined as “open.”

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Part 4: Spend growing revenues on reducing growing cost drivers
150 150 Fred Silva

As increased revenues roll in, budgetmakers must keep in mind long-term pension and health care obligations that will continue to take up more and more precious resources for years to come.

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Report: California millennials fall behind in job market
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Higher unemployment and lower wages affecting opportunity for young Californians to become part of 21st century workforce.

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Part 3: Budget rules will drive where much of the extra money goes–but not how it will be spent
150 150 Fred Silva

Even if most of this year’s revenue windfall does go to California schools and the rainy day fund, the conversation should not be over. Part 3 in our “Boom, Bust, Repeat?” series.

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