Blog & News

California’s Golden Opportunity: How to fine tune local control school reform
150 150 Michael Fullan

Three problems with California’s local control accountability plans and three ways to save schools from getting bogged down with complicated plans to improve education outcomes.

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Career pathways point the way to boosting California’s workforce
150 150 Bill Britt

Getting students, counselors and colleges on the same path that connects courses with actual, in-demand careers is critical to the future of the California workforce.

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Summit: Employers want, need bigger role in workforce training
150 150 Justin Ewers

For California to develop the workforce necessary to remain globally competitive, employers must be given ways to play a larger role in the state’s workforce training system, the California Economic Summit emphasized in a letter to the task force charged with making community colleges more responsive to the state’s economy.

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VIDEO: California’s education reform on right track says international expert
150 150 Ed Coghlan

The state’s Local Control Funding Formula initiative is taking the right steps and has the right people on board to make a difference in educating California’s K-12 students.

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How three California open data bills advance the cause of public data
150 150 Robb Korinke

Status update on moving the state closer to a strong statewide open data strategy, including three bills under consideration in Legislature

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VIDEO: California schools work to improve local control reform plans
150 150 Ed Coghlan

California working group of school boards collaborates on how to grapple with the requirements of Local Control Funding Formula education reforms.

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Social impact bonds: A better way to combat blight
150 150 Marc Joffe

Richmond, California, after an unsuccessful attempt to deal with blighted properties through eminent domain, is now turning to social impact bonds to rehabilitate these homes.

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