Blog & News

George Runner: The real revenue challenge facing California
150 150 George Runner

Op-Ed: The conversation about tax reform should be about how government can provide taxpayers with better value for the money they already send to Sacramento.

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Election funding grant announced by CA Fwd and James Irvine Foundation
150 150 Ed Coghlan

CA Fwd project will explore effective ways California counties and other states secure adequate and sustainable funding for administering elections.

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Agenda for 2015 California Economic Summit firming up
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Annual gathering will happen in Ontario, the first time the Summit will take place in the Inland Empire, where the effects of the Great Recession were felt most severely and the issues of workforce, housing and water are vital.

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Two ways for cities to reduce the cost of housing and make homes more affordable
150 150 Mark Pisano

Paired together, streamlining regulations and using infrastructure districts to bring down costs would have a big impact on California housing, all without raising taxes.

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Progress update on California Economic Summit’s Roadmap
150 150 Justin Ewers

As CA Fwd and partners collaborate on upcoming 2015 California Economic Summit, the list of wins along the Roadmap to Shared Prosperity grows.

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New search tool gives boost to California campaign finance transparency
150 150 Ed Coghlan

California Secretary of State launches streamlined way of searching campaign contributions toward state-level candidates and ballot measures.

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