West Sacramento continues push for affordable housing
150 150 Nadine Ono

Low-income residents of Yolo County would need to make $21.25 an hour to afford a two-bedroom rental.

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VIDEO: Will El Niño dilute concern over California’s drought?
150 150 John Guenther

A deluge of rain won’t end the lengthy drought nor the need to manage our water better says the manager of a major SoCal watershed.

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Paul Granillo: California Comes to the Inland Empire
150 150 Paul Granillo

The Inland Empire had a chance to show the region’s promise and challenges at CA Fwd’s California Economic Summit–and it took full advantage of it.

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VIDEO: Californians take action at 2015 Economic Summit
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Hear what people said about CA Fwd’s Economic Summit and how it’s working toward the goal of shared prosperity for all Californians.

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CA Fwd shows its UNselfish side this Giving Tuesday
150 150 Caitlin Maple

Snapping a selfie means so much more when you’re volunteering in your community

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Attendees give California Economic Summit big thumbs up
150 150 Ed Coghlan

88 percent percent of those surveyed said they made a commitment at the Summit to help advance one of the One Million Challenges over the next year.

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How to be a catalyst for change in California this GivingTuesday
150 150 Maritza Lara

The GivingTuesday campaign and California Forward both began in order to bring change to communities

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CA Fwd gives back on Giving Tuesday
150 150 Jim Mayer

Find out how you can give back and show your support for a better California.

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Putting More “Community” into Community Colleges
150 150 Jim Mayer

Smart and steady reform effort needs to be sustained – and replicated to help government adapt to a rapidly changing California.

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