State Controller Betty Yee to California’s regions: ‘Talk to us”
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Paying for California’s future and fixing its problems will need more collaboration instead of fighting over pieces of the budget year after year.

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CA Fwd Statement on Rainy Day Fund and Ballot Initiatives
150 150 John Guenther

“The decision to include payments into the state’s new rainy day fund in the proposed ballot measure that would extend high income tax rates is a victory for all Californians….”

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California Economic Summit launches One Million Challenges in 2016 Roadmap to Shared Prosperity
150 150 Justin Ewers

Updated Roadmap lays out what the Summit aims to accomplish this year in areas vital to expanding sustainable economic growth in every region.

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VIDEO: Local control of Ontario Airport could mean more Inland Empire jobs
150 150 Ed Coghlan

As final agreement handing control of the airport to a local authority is wrapped up, we asked a local Assemblymember what the transfer means for jobs.

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Governor doubles down on improving workforce pipeline in proposed budget
150 150 Justin Ewers

A California Economic Summit approach to boosting workforce training in the state would get a shot in the arm via Jerry Brown’s budget.

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Ever Forward: CA Fwd’s 2015 Year in Review
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Look back at a productive year for California Forward in its goal to make the California Dream more attainable for all.

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CA Fwd and Riverside County put data to work on jail overcrowding
150 150 Nadine Ono

The county probation department successfully used data analysis to create a 25 percent reduction in probation violations since spring of 2014.

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