Blog & News

Santa Barbara explores ways to house its workforce close to jobs and transit
580 200 Nadine Ono

Sporting pricey real estate and hemmed in by geography, city rehabs housing and employs other strategies to create affordable housing for workers from local businesses.

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California’s housing crisis demands an “all of the above” strategy
580 200 Stephen Levy

No single policy action, from bonds to tax credits to streamlined regulations, can produce the amount of housing California needs.

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California counties worried about cost of June primary — and beyond
610 200 John Guenther

With California playing an important role in this year’s presidential cycle, the state’s long-term election funding challenge has come into sharp focus.

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California seeking Chief Data Officer
100 100 Ed Coghlan

Candidate will face challenge of boosting access and quality of government data, while dealing with how to share with a public skeptical of government.

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Mentoring program offers Kern County offenders a pathway away from jail
150 150 Nadine Ono

Promising partnership with county and nonprofit having impact on high rate of return to jail by the formerly incarcerated.

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­Senator Feinstein Joins California Economic Summit
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Organized by CA Fwd and the California Stewardship Network, Summit will gather for the fifth annual statewide meeting in Sacramento in December.

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