Blog & News

How insufficient funding can undermine elections
610 200 Amber Nelson

Election officials are taking stock of how smoothly California’s primary elections ran, while dealing with long-standing funding problems.

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California Economy Wrapup: Unemployment rate continues downward trend
580 200 John Guenther

The state’s unemployment rate hits 5.2 percent, the state is named sixth largest economy in the world and its workforce training gets a big boost.

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Commentary: Our Roads and Bridges: The Fix Is Not In
580 200 Will Kempton

State infrastructure investment not keeping up with need, but Californians need assurances that additional funds will be dedicated, protected, and efficiently spent. 

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California workforce training gets $200 million boost from budget
610 200 Ed Coghlan

State budget passage means community college CTE programs will get a much needed upgrade on how the colleges train to meet demands.

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How the Top Two primary is changing California
610 200 Ed Coghlan

Observers of California politics reflect on the electoral reform, which resulted in 23 state races with candidates from the same party facing off in November.

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From the Ivory Tower to the Mean Streets of Santa Monica
610 200 Pete Peterson

Recent studies document the moderating effects of California’s Top Two primary and independent redistricting reform

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California voters approve Prop 50 with more reform measures on horizon
610 200 Ed Coghlan

Ballot initiative wins overwhelming approval from voters; proposals to boost transparency in the Legislature move forward

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