Forward Thinker Tandra Johnson works to bring support to military families

150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

California Forward has named Tandra Johnson a Forward Thinker for bringing the community together to bring patriotism and support to military families.

For Tandra Johnson, saying good bye to her son is never easy—a marine in the special forces, he was recently redeployed.

“The emotions of the unknown and not having anyone who understands—I felt alone.”

Earlier this year, she started Blue Star Mothers, Hearts of Mothers Embraced (HOME) an Inland Empire chapter of Blue Star Moms– a national organization offering support to troops currently deployed and assisting the mothers and their families who have children serving in the United States military.  They also create and send care packages to the troops.

“It was a dream I had—to let families know they were not alone, that there is someone else who totally understands their emotions and what they’re going through, without even saying a word,” says Johnson.

Already, she’s seen the community step up—donating their time and money to send goods to the troops from home.  She’s thrilled more folks are getting involved and even happier she’s giving them an outlet.

To read Tandra’s full profile, go to our Forward Thinkers page. You may also tell us about a Forward Thinker you know in your community.


Cheryl Getuiza

All stories by: Cheryl Getuiza